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Porch Beers Ads
Porch Beers is a zine with circulation of 100+ in multiple states and regions, focusing on Appalachia. The zine comes out roughly every quarter. If you're interested in placing an ad, please note that Elliott has full discretion in accepting ads and will automatically reject ads that are biased against any marginalized groups (ie racist, transphobic, etc). All ads must be black and white and able to fit the dimensions in the diagram below.
Full size: 8.5 X 5.5 - $20
Half size: 4.25 X 5.5 - $10
Quarter size: 4.25 X 2.75 - $5 (text only)
Please send your completed ad to porchbeerszine[at]gmail[dot]com. For deadline information, please check social media or email with any questions.

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