Porch Beers Distro
About Us / Join Us
The Porch Beers Press Distro was founded in 2023 thanks to a grant from Appalachia Reframed. The Goal of PBP Distro is to amplify the voices of writers and artists from marginalized groups in the US Appalachian and Southern regions. If you would like your zine to be a part of the distro, here's what I'm looking for:
zines from BIPOC, neurodivergent folks, transgender/GNC folks, and women from Appalachia and the South
perzines, diy comics, how to guides, essays, art, poetry, short stories, themed
NOT looking for "scene report" style zines and $25 glossy art mags
Anything relatively stinking of any opinion against a marginalized group gets an automatic veto
If you're interested, contact me via the contact form on this website. ​Zines that I haven't read previously or people I'm not familiar with yet will likely need to send a sample of their writing/art/zines. Creators will get a 50/50 split send by a payment app once a month.
Porch Beers Press Distro New Titles
Kyrsten's Poetry #1

A fantastic collection of poetry from Huntington-based poet Kyrsten Hodge with themes of love and loss
Kyrsten's Poetry #2

The second volume of poetry from Huntington poet Kyrsten Hodge focusing on identity and existence
Halfalachian: Ramblings of a Bastard

Lyrical prose from Olivia Qualls about growing up in the liminal spaces of existence in Appalachia as a queer POC
Escaping the Mundane: The Illustrations of Bryn Frederickson

A collection of comics and drawing from PA-based artist Bryn Frederickson