Howdy, Porch Beer Drinkers! The end of the year is almost upon us, so let's look back at a year of Porch Beers:
Porch Beers 4 and 4.5 were released
So was Many Gods, No Masters
I was a guest on Commonplace, a podcast by Nathan Thomas
I also launched my own podcast Quarter Pitcher
Places I vended: Herdcon, Limelight, The Red Caboose's Second Saturday, Beckley Pride, and Final Boss Con
I did my Zines 101 Workshop for Cabell County Public Library and an adapted version for the Western Counties Regional Libraries in-service day, covering librarians in six counties
and finally... I met so many of you who have told me how much my zine means to you. That makes all the hard work worth it.
So what does 2023 hold?
February 11th I'm bringing the Zines 101 Workshop to the Kanawha County Downtown Library. I haven't been in it since they started all the new construction, so I'm excited to see all the changes. I'm especially excited to see IDEA lab! Your faithful narrator loves a good button maker.
March 4 will be my first visit to Detroit for the Detroit Zine Fest. I'm super excited for my first zine event outside of the tri-state! Hopefully I can turn it into a mini vacation and take in some museums and kitschy tourist stops.
I'm hoping to bring Porch Beers to some new spots. If you want to see the workshop at your local library, LGBTQ center, or other friendly spots, or if you want me slinging zines at your con or fest, shoot me an email!
I've got some plans for zines to release next year. January should see the debut of Porch Beers 5. I'd meant to make it a Pride release, but after many delays, I'm happy to release something flamingly queer in the middle of winter. Other issues of Porch Beers, as well as some stand alone zines, are trickling into the brain and Evernote crevices. Are you interested in making a zine yourself but don't know where to start? Lemme know! I'd love to help out.
Finally, in what may be a "ringing in the New Year with a bang" announcement, I should have some very cool news for y'all soon. Stay tuned!