Hello Porch Beer Drinkers! Back from the other Virginia, and GGZAF23 was a blast! We met a lot of cool folks and got to get the word out about Porch Beers Press. If you ever find yourself in downtown Lynchburg, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to Inka Grill. It's hands down one of the top five best meals I've had in my life.
Monday saw the release of Porch Beers 6, the Porch Beers Press Mix 1: The Art of Drowning, and the first ever distro title Kyrsten's Poetry 1. I'm proud to be bringing all these to life. Check out the Etsy shop for more details.
Here's a list of places I'm going to be in May. If you'll notice May 20, I could use your help! I need someone from the studio audience to help out and lord over my table from 1-5 PM at the Huntington event, and I will compensate you for it. Email me if you're interested.
April 30-May 6: Dear Diary Zinefest - virtual - link
May 6: We Protect Us - Huntington - link
May 13: Halftone Zine Fest - Lexington - link
May 20: Zine workshop at Raleigh County Public Library - Beckley - link
May 20: Liberation Celebration - Huntington - details coming soon!