A few weeks ago, I sat down at 7 AM West Virginia time and had a lovely conversation with Virginia Vigliar about the nature of love, community, writing, and queerness. She turned it into an amazing interview, which you can read here. And if you dig the photos in the article, hit up Justin Murphy and Out of the Attic Photography for all your fine photo needs!
Spring and early Summer are shaping up to be busy, busy seasons! Listing some save the dates below with more details to come, including the action-packed weekend of my mom's birthday (hi, Mom!)
March 24 - Body Shots! performance of "There Can't Be Two of Us Forever" - MU - Huntington, WV
March 25 - Herdcon Panel "Zine Scene 101" - MU - Huntington, WV - 1 PM
March 26 - Trans Day of Visibility Zine Workshop - West Edge Factory - Huntington, WV 1-4 PM
April 22 - Garden Gnome Zine Fest - Lynchburg, VA
May 13 - Halftone Zine Fest - Lexington, KY
May 20 - Zine Workshop - Raleigh County Public Library - Beckley, WV
July 15 - Final Boss Con - Rio Grande, OH
October 21 - West Virginia Book Festival - Charleston, WV
If you'd like to see the Zines 101 tour come to your hometown library, send me a message!