Porch Beers 5 is out now! This is the Pride issue, which was slated to come out in October and went through many revisions. It's got a little bit of everything, from tales of Huntington WV's first Pride celebrations to queer country artists, my own coming out to an almost sermon telling trans and queer folks not to give up. Find it here on Etsy, distro copies en route as I write.

As a bonus zine this month, I released 600 Cigarettes: 3 Tales of NYEs. It's an A6 size mini zine about three New Years Eves I experienced: 1999, 2016, and 2022. Themes include being a weird kid, transitioning, and something sorta adjacent to surprise parenthood later in life. (Etsy link)
The Zines 101 workshop at the Kanawha County Public Library was a great success. I was super proud of the class and the zines they made, as well as the conversation we had throughout the creation process. If you live in the WV tri-state area and would like the Zines 101 workshop to go to your local library, let me know!
Here's a short list of where I'll be this spring:
* HerdCon - Huntington, WV - March 25 - doing my Zines 101 talk
* Garden Gnome Zine & Art Fair - Lynchburg, VA - April 22 - vending
* Halftone Zine Fest - Louisville, KY - May 13 - vending
I've got a handful of ideas bubbling up to the surface for this year. As always, since I'm looking to expand Porch Beers Press, if you have an idea for a zine you'd like to make, hit me up! Porch Beers 6 is slated to come out in March.