Heya Porch Beer Drinkers! Hope you're having a good spring. Warm weather means more tabling events, which I'm pretty psyched for. Kicking off the warm weather event season is Second Saturday Market, coming up this Saturday (May 14) at Heritage Station in Huntington. I'll be set up inside the Visitor Center from 10 AM til 3 PM. Be sure to check out all the rad vendors, including some of my buds. A dollar spent at my table is very likely going to go straight to the plant booth if I'm being honest. RSVP on Facebook here. If you're coming from out of town, I highly recommend Gumbo Stop as a lunch spot!
Two more events coming up this summer where you can see me: first up is Beckley Pride June 4 at the Beckley Intermodal Gateway in Beckley, WV starting at noon. I'm super excited about this one because not only am I vending, I have a few art pieces! Stick around, see the other vendors, get tested and know your status, check out Beckley's downtown. See drag performers. Meet my mom! More info here.
In July I'll be at Final Boss Con at the University of Rio Grande in Rio Grande, OH July 16. I'm hoping to have some tabletop RPG buttons and new mini zines by that point. The last time I was in Rio Grande, I was in OshKosh overalls getting tiger stripes painted on my face at the Bob Evans Farm. Excited to see it as an adult (though I'll probably be just as terrified if a corn maze is involved with the con somehow). RSVP here.
Got an event you think would be a good fit for Porch Beers Press? Lemme know!
In person news, I'm getting a super late start on my garden. I wasn't even going to do one this year, but Lenny expressed interest and who am I to disappoint? Right now I have two tomato plants I bought as a fundraiser for the Vale. I'm having to adjust to a Zone 6 climate again and trying to figure out what I have time left to grow, which if my research is right will be brassica veggies, root veggies, and spinach/lettuce. (any tips on growing root vegetables in containers, hmu).
After a long slump, I've gotten back into cooking again. What's exciting me right now is Indian food and vegetarian recipes. I'm not committing to being a full on vegetarian, but I am wanting to cut down on my meat consumption. Feel free to send me any recipes or cookbook recs you have. I'm also the last person on earth to get into sourdough. My bud Hoa gave me part of her starter, and so far I've made sourdough naan, which turned out pretty tasty.
Hope to see y'all at some of these events. More updates, including Porch Beers 4, as the summer progresses!